Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Updated Profile for Living Hope Organization

Who are we?
LIVHORG is an acronym for LIVING HOPE ORGANIZATION: a Community Base Civil Society Organization for people living with HIV/AIDS and TB, who have come together to mitigate the physical, psychological and socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS and TB among PLWHA/PABA, poverty and capacity building of our members.

We are an energetic and dynamic group of people living with HIV/AIDS and TB, committed to openly declare that we are living with HIV to those who need it as to reduce stigma and discrimination, as the first support group of PLWHIV in Abia State, Nigeria.

We work with experts in the field of education, HCT, home base care/referral (CHBC) services, palliative treatment to PLWHA/TB, community sensitizations and support group meetings. With this knowledge in turn, we as people living with HIV/TB serving people with HIV/TB inform of people treatment, supporting and advising HIV-positive people and the public updating them on development and current issues concerning HIV/AIDS and TB.

How did we start?
Lovelyn Jude Munaonye, blind since the age of ten teaches English/social studies in a Government School in Umuahia, Abia State Capital, she and her husband Jude, a staff at Ministry of Health Umuahia, discovered that they were HIV positive in 1999. The news, though initially overwhelming, galvanized Jude & Lovelyn into becoming the foremost HIV and AIDS activists in the State by the formation of two support groups of PLWHA (Living Hope and Amazing Grace) then. They made helping others with the virus their life's work. Without ever having seen an anti-retroviral drug (as at then) they soldiers on, encouraging healthy life choices and positive attitudes to life. Jude and Lovelyn face each day with equanimity: "We rest well, eat fresh food and stay away from alcohol," says Jude). See: http://allafrica.com/photoessay/nigeriaaids/photo4

What do we do?
MISSION: To stem the tide of HIV/AIDS and TB related stigma and discrimination while preventing further spread of HIV/AIDS and TB by providing care and support services to people living with HIV/ AIDS and TB, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), with mindset of safeguarding the entire populace.

VISION: Envisions where the spread of HIV/AIDS and TB is halted and its prevalence reversed; by caring for AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), Widows and People living/affected by HIV/AIDS and TB (PLWHA/PABA) through education, counseling, Home Base Care & support/group meetings, socialization and advocacy on issues affecting her members both rights and opportunities.

GOAL: To create an enabling environment in the HIV/AIDS and TB responses in the community, particularly for PLWHIV/TB in Abia State and seek to put in place comprehensive HIV/AIDS and TB prevention, care and support services and enable them contribute meaningfully to the national response.

VALUES: Fairness, Mutual Respect, Honesty, Transparency and Accountability by restoring hope to people living/affected with HIV/AIDS and TB in Abia State, Nigeria.

APPROACHES: We apply both moral and rights based approaches in our programs and activities, LIVHORG is working towards tackling denial, ignorance, fear and poverty; to break the cycle of stigma, discrimination and abuse of human rights and ensure that people living with HIV and AIDS/TB receives psychosocial support and medical attention early enough through community home based care which keep people healthier and productive.

Who do we work with?
LIVHORG is affiliated to the National Youth Network on HIV and AIDS Nigeria, (NYNETHA) Civil Society on HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN), Association of women living with HIV and AIDS Nigeria (ASWHAN), Association of Non-Governmental Organization (ASANGO), Abia State Action Committee on AIDS (ABSACA), Network of people living with HIV and AIDS (NEPWHAN) Nigeria, TB Network e.t.c. It is a registered organization as required by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under NEPWHAN, state registration numbers: MOE/AD/9/T/.111/3, AB/HAPDP/AD/.014.

We collaborate with both local and international development partners and is blessed with abundant human resources. Members of LIVHORG are represented in different AIDS committees at local and international levels. LIVHORG has five prominent persons as members of board trustee, 6 project implementation associates working on part-time basis, and 5 full-time project staff. The president of LIVHORG who is the executive director is also a member of the board of trustee.
At present, LIVHORG has an office accommodation at 21, Timber Road Umuahia which serves as a counseling room and a secretariat.

LIVHORG holds her monthly interactive meeting with capacity building, every second Saturday on each month by 11 am at 21, Timber Road Umuahia, Abia State.

Since inception in 2000, LIVHORG has carried out a lot of activities that brought about the following impact:

1. Over 250 people counseled on HIV voluntary counseling in and around Abia State.
2. Organizing community dialogue meetings on PMTCT, Home Base Care and Support in Afara – Ibeku Ukwu, Ubakala, Nno- Oboro etc communities and referral services
3. Influenced positive behavioral changes in many communities in Abia State through community sensitization and education
4. Increased personal testimonies of positive life styles among people living with HIV and AIDS through monthly therapy session organized by LIVHORG.
5. Enhanced relationship between people living with HIV and AIDS and family members through counseling, Community Home Based Care (CHBC) and outreach activities
6. High level of community acceptance of PLWHA through the stigmatization activities and public enlightenment campaign in our communities
7. Facilitated access to anti retroviral therapy for over 135 PLWHA through referral and linkages.

This program is designed to educate our communities on basic facts on HIV and AIDS through the use of drama, community leaders, religious leaders and the media. We enlighten the communities on the modes of transmission of HIV, the danger of unprotected sex, the importance of sticking to one partner, correct use of condoms and desirable of total abstinence. We have used some of our member to openly disclose their HIV and AIDS status in the churches, mosques and community levels.

This programme is specially designed for pregnant and expectant mothers, LIVHORG will continue to educate women and expectant mothers on the usefulness of prevention of parent to child transmission, preventive drugs and best practices, the pregnant women will be enlightened on the concept of PMTCT which recognizes that the infected mother is treated well so as to keep her healthy and alive to take care of the child, instead of given birth to the child and left the child an orphan. Livhorg also links these women with PMTCT centers.

LIVHORG through its counseling unit provides quality counseling to people living/affected with HIV and AIDS and the community at large. This is intended and designed to give hope to people living with HIV and AIDS, making them understand that being infected with HIV is not the end of life, This programme will go along way in disabusing the minds of PABAs and community members with regards to stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and helping them manage the situation discreetly with little or no stress.

Under this proposed programme, LIVHORG with support from SACA, Total Development Organization (TDO), Presbyterian Community Services Development (PCS & D) and other partners will rehabilitate people living with HIV and AIDS who have no means of livelihood, owing to what they have gone through as a result of their HIV status, assistance will be given to them by way of micro credit to enable them start small businesses that will sustain them and their dependants. Some will also be put through vocational training, impacting in them the requisite skill to earn a living.

Potential Funding Partners: As at date, we are yet to get international donors to partner with us.

LIVHORG Nigeria enjoy a wide range of technical support from Abia State Action Committee on AIDS (ABSACA), Total Development Organization (TDO), Presbyterian Community Services Development (PCS & D), Network of people living with HIV and AIDS, (NEPWHAN) Nigeria, some church’s and philanthropists .

Livhorg Nigeria has 5 Board of Management, 5 active Staff and 6 Volunteers; the boards are responsible for managements and Policy making.

LIVHORG Nigeria has a board of trustees of 5 members who are eminent personalities and distinguished individuals from different spheres of life.

 Baseline of AIDS Orphans in Umuahia North Local Government Area from April to August 2008 we conducted a Baseline of Children Orphaned due to deaths from HIV/AIDS related sickness. The project was funded by the State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA) and NEPWHAN
 Training of Home-Based Caregivers of PLWHA
 We have trained 30 home-based caregivers to provide support to PLWHA and orphans in 3 LGA’s communities. We also facilitated the establishment of other 11 support groups of PLWHA in various communities of Abia State.
 IGA for 20 WLWHA, we facilitated an income support from SACA (World Bank Assisted)
 Care & support to PLWHA from TDO and Presbyterian Community Services Development (PCS & D)

The target groups of our intervention are people living with HIV and AIDS, Orphans Vulnerable Children (OVC), Caregivers, People affected by HIV and AIDS. This comes out of the realization that PLWHA are highly stigmatized.
The causes of the ugly trend are collective effects of the following factors:-
 The HIV/AIDS scourge that has swept through the world has taken the lead in accelerating and expanding to many places including Abia State.
 The current findings of the RAAAP report shows that about 11% of the estimated 7 million orphans in Nigeria are as a result of parents who died of HIV and AIDS.
 Empowerment of women living with HIV and AIDS through skill acquisition.
 HIV/AIDS enlightenment/educational programs.
 Promotion of Health and safer sex education
 Adolescent capacity building and rights.
 Community development programmes.

 Awareness creation on the dangers of HIV and AIDS, prevention, care and support for People living/affected with HIV/AIDS, (PLWHA/ PABA) and other tropical diseases.
 To reduce poverty through partnership with stake holders, skill acquisition and capacity building projects.
 To ensure representation and meaningful involvement of AIDS Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC), Widows and People living/affected with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA/PABA) in relevant forums locally and internationally.
 To advocate for ARV continuity and its availability for its members and the administration of the drug in a professional way.
 To promote the welfare and hope of AIDS Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC), Widows and People living/affected with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA/PABA) Abia State.

 Health education on HIV and AIDS, prevention, control, care and support.
 Adolescent reproductive rights sexuality education information, skill acquisition and capacity building.
 Gender main streaming and fight against HIV and AIDS harmful traditional practices
 Skill acquisition, poverty reduction among PLWHA, home base-care and visits to PLWHA

The GFATM for Abia State NEPWHAN, was successfully organized and coordinated by LIVHORG, we do offer direct Care & Support Services to PLWHA.

THAT THEY MAY LIVE: the world has never had a more pressing need to involve people in the fight against AIDS. With leadership, commitment and support, we can move forward and we PLWHA shall live!

“If a man dies of AIDS, the community is often silent about it, while a woman who discloses her status is subjected to all kinds of Violence”


The Project Manager,
Living Hope Organization (Livhorg)
21, Timber Road P M B 7215,
Umuahia Abia State, Nigeria.
Tel: 234 803 548 2398, 234 805 593 1405
Email: Livhorg@live.com or Livhorg@yahoo.com


Bradly Jones said...

I am glad to see some positive change made in the world. I was in Nigeria 5 years ago and i wasn't please by the way people had to struggle to get by. these programs should have more sponsors

call Nigeria

livhorg said...

Dear all, my yahoo email is nolonger working, so avoid any mail from there and please use: livhorg@gmail.com from now on wards. Thank you all.

Joyce Hillary said...

Great Dr. imoloa herbal medicine is the perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnose of HIV for 8years, and everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth. So, on my search on the internet I saw some different testimony on how Dr. imoloa has been able to cure HIV with his powerful herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him for the herbal medicine which i received through DHL courier service. And he guided me on how to. I asked him for solutions a drink the herbal medicine for good two weeks.  and then he instructed me to go for check up which i did. behold i was ( HIV NEGATIVE).Thank God for dr imoloa has use his powerful herbal medicine to cure me. he also has cure for diseases like: parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy,  Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease,  Back Pain,  Back Sprain,   Bipolar Disorder,  Brain Tumour,  Malignant,  Bruxism, Bulimia,  Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms,  chronic respiratory disease,  mental and behavioural disorder,  Cystic  Fibrosis,  Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma,  Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis.  chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, back pain,  impotence,  feta  alcohol spectrum,  Dysthymic Disorder,   Eczema, skin cancer,  tuberculosis,  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel  disease, bone cancer, lungs cancer,  mouth ulcer,  mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C.,   syphilis,  diarrhea,  Huntington's Disease,  back acne,  Chronic renal failure,   addison disease,  Chronic Pain,   Crohn's  Disease,   Cystic Fibrosis,  Fibromyalgia,   Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  fungal  nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major  Depression,  Malignant Melanoma,   Mania,  Melorheostosis,   Meniere's  Disease,  Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis,  Muscular  Dystrophy,  Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease   email- drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com  / call or {whatssapp ..... +2347081986098.  }